Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment is a method developed for the treatment of very serious caries and infected teeth. The nerve and tooth pulp (pulp) in the inner part of the tooth are removed, the inner part is cleaned and filled with a special material.
The most important thing for treatment is early diagnosis, the size of the decay should be small, and care should be taken to prevent the infection from spreading to other teeth. In such unfavorable conditions, tissues can become infected and cause mass tooth loss.To get a clear answer to root canal treatment, you need to have information about the tooth’s fundamental building blocks. Our teeth consist of three main layers. From these layers, the dental nervous system and the tooth’s nutritional needs, which we call pulp tooth pulp, occur in this layer. It has a soft texture. In the past, decayed or infected teeth were extracted, and the patient was toothless for life. Today’s developing technology has found a solution to this. The pulp, that is, the pulp, is cleaned and filled inside the tooth. In this way, it continues to fulfill its dental function. Naturally, after the tooth pulp is extracted, the tooth can no longer be fed, and it loses its nerve cells if you ask what problems this causes. The dental nervous system does not work in advanced ages (25 and over). Its only task is to understand the cold-heat balance. Any healthy tooth in the mouth can perform this. So you are experiencing a purely sensory problem.Suppose you ask what results will occur if root canal treatment is not performed. Bacteria that settle in the pulp multiply rapidly. It may cause an intense infection or abscess, i.e., pus-filled swelling that may form under the tooth roots. Worse than that, if you persistently don’t want to be treated, you are likely to experience bone loss around the infection.
How Is Root Root Treatment Performed?
Root canal treatment is a general treatment that ends in 2 sessions. It varies according to the damage in the teeth of the patient. If the infection has spread significantly, it is likely to be completed in 3 sessions. The dentistry name that will apply root canal treatment Our doctor friend who applies Endodontics is called Endodontist. The first treatment process is to examine how many teeth have been infected, and a treatment map is drawn according to their observations. X-rays are taken for these procedures, and a clear conclusion is reached whether the bones are infected or not. Your dentist or endodontics puts the patient under local anesthesia for treatment. This process is unnecessary. Since the nerves inside the tooth die, the patient does not feel pain, aches and pains, but many of our doctor friends perform this procedure to keep the patient calm. The tooth is covered with a liquid-proof material. Saliva leakage from the channel during the cleaning process is prevented. Thanks to this channel opening to the infected area, cleaning operations are provided. In this process, bacteria, dead nervous system and pulp are removed. The channel can be enlarged if necessary so that the drainage process takes place correctly. This enlargement is done through files. This process is called channel filing. Since the nerves are entirely removed, the patient does not feel pain. During the filing process, sodium hypochlorite or water is periodically used to clean the residues and debris remaining in the tooth.After cleaning the inside of the teeth, we come across many ways. If your dentist suspects the infection risk, you will have to walk around with temporary filling for a week. Some physicians prefer to fill immediately. On the other hand, some physicians fill the cavity in the tooth by placing a drug from the outside. These ways are not faulty; they are evaluated according to the patient’s condition and risk of infection and are applied for a healthy tooth. After this application, the tooth is filled, and Root Root Treatment is completed.
In which cases root canal treatment may be required?
– In cases where fractures involving the nerve of the tooth as a result of trauma
– In cases where the tooth loses its vitality as a result of excessive force on the teeth during or after orthodontic treatment,
– Advanced gum diseases,
– In eliminating the sensitivity caused by advanced wear in teeth,
– Canal treatment is required in deep caries.
What is the success rate of root canal treatment? How many years will the root canal treated tooth remain in my mouth?
The success rate of root canal treatments performed under appropriate conditions is between 90-95%. If the uncleaned nerve tissue remains during the treatment, if the root canal filling and top filling are not done enough, microorganisms may leak into the canal, failure of the root canal treatment is mentioned with the formation of perforation or fractures during the treatment. It is understood from the symptoms of pain in the teeth, self-pain, swelling and redness at the root tip while eating an unsuccessful root canal treatment.
Can a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment eventually be removed?
No, the tooth is not pulled out immediately. Unsuccessful root canal treatment is renewed and treatment is repeated. If this procedure is insufficient, the infected root tip will be removed with a small surgical procedure; The cleaning of infected tissues (apical resection) is applied. If repetition of root canal treatment and surgical interventions are insufficient, tooth extraction should be considered.