Dental Braces
Turkey Ankara Braces Treatment, namely Orthodontics, is the name given to the branch of medical dentistry, aiming to eliminate the abnormal growth of the mouth and teeth and eliminate structural and formal disorders.
Ankara Braces treatment is performed after the diagnosis is made after the three-dimensional examination of the mouth and teeth. As a result of orthodontic treatment, the patient is provided with a perfectly smooth tooth and a wonderful smile. It increases the patient’s quality of life.
What is the working logic of braces?
Many questions, such as using the wire placed on the teeth, have become the first among the frequently asked questions to orthodontists. The braces regularly apply a pulling effect to the teeth. In case the attraction effect is more or less, different negative results may occur. The excessive extraction effect causes damage to dental tissue and gum tissue. Accordingly, the root to which the teeth are attached also gets many injuries and may negatively affect early fall.
Thanks to the braces that apply the correct pulling effect, the teeth can be brought to the desired position. We call the part of the braces that connect to the tooth bracket. The brackets are attached by making small holes on the teeth—the point where the braces connect to the tooth. The nice thing about braces treatment is that the treatment process continues for 24 hours. The brackets support this treatment. In this way, the treatment process ends over time.In orthodontic treatment, in the treatment of braces, rubbers that assist braces can also be used. These elastic agents are devices that the patient can attach and remove by himself. In this way, the mouth’s shape is kept smooth; it accelerates the treatment process and serves many purposes.Braces treatment takes a long time because it aims to change the position of the teeth in the bone. On average, it travels 2 mm in 1 month. Therefore, an extended period may be required. If it is necessary to give an exact time, this is impossible. It is a factor that varies according to the oral and dental health of the patient.As every other area develops daily, orthodontics, i.e., braces treatment, are also developing. Braces that give faster results than before and require infrequent control are available today. In other words, this kind of solution was provided to the patients who asked whether they should go to check-ups continuously.Metal, ceramic and glass bracket preferences are available for our aesthetically anxious patients. In this way, your braces are made to look beautiful to your eyes and smile.
How Many Age Groups Can Braces Treatment Be Applied?
First of all, the International Orthodontic Association recommends that every child who reaches 7 undergoes orthodontic control. In this way, teeth that develop at an early age are provided to grow correctly and in the form. Oral and dental health problems that may occur in the future are thus prevented.If we come to the minimum average age, braces treatment is not applied under 10 to 12. Children under these age groups are taken into development monitoring and examined. Unless a disorder requiring treatment is observed, the development process is expected to end.
How to Care for the Braces?
It is not that difficult to maintain. It can even be said that some points need attention. You are brushing the teeth regularly with a soft brush and avoiding pressure on braces while brushing. To clean between the brackets, tooth interface brushes or dental floss with hardened one end should be used. Apart from that, not removing the shell of shelled foods with your teeth, the core can be a simple example. Thanks to all these, you can achieve smooth teeth and a flawless smile thanks to orthodontic treatment.
Sosyal Medya